Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 3 Hiking, and the Airforce Academy!

These both were neat too. They had all kinds of cool airplanes and things inside.

This was in the gift shop, a TV in the floor.

This sign above says that these stones on the floor were delivered from the holy land.

Mom and Dad at the Airforce Academy.

The buddha and cool little mat things.

This little buddah thing was outside the buddhist chapel.

The front of the jewish chapel.

Piano in the Jewish chapel.


The other chapels.


Christmas Tree!

The cieling.

The front of the church.

This was the pulpit. You had to walk up stairs just to get to it.

Big sword.

Seats and more windows.

HUGE pipe organ.

Lots of stianed glass.

The inside of the chapel.

The stairs were made of very pretty smooth rocks.

The entry way!

Chapel agian!


The Chapel.

This is what we thought was an observatory.

Dad, by the Air Force adademy sign.

Our group.

The name of this plane was Diamond Lil'!

Front of plane.

Back of plane.

This was a monument at the Air force academy!

Austin decided to climb the steep ledge.

More amazingness!

This was the cute little house that Gina wanted.

Steep drop off.

This was the view from the other side of the hill.

The LONG trial that we hiked was the Bald Mountain Snow RIM Trail.

Gina decided to lay down.

Once at the top we all crashed and had to sit and relax.

More amazing view!

Looking out over the mountians!

The hiking Crew!


Smile Gina!

What a beautiful view.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 at Garden of the Gods

We went to Garden of the God's on the same day as Royal Gorge. It was very fun and I had a great time. This is really a good place to go to see God's creations.
You can see the kissing camels from the road.

The kissing Camels.
I love this picture even though it is blurry. I love it because it has the sun rays, trees, and the mountains in the background.

Just before Sun set.

A beautiful view from the balcony on the visitors center.

This was my favorite shirt in this gift shop. I thought it was really funny.

This was one of the exhibits that I thought was interesting.
The gift shop at garden of the Gods was very neat. Here are some of the things they sold.

More awesome rocks.

These were so beautiful.

This was my favorite rock in the whole place. I see a fish. What do you see?
Mom at Garden of the Gods.


Our group by the tilting rock.

A cave like thing.

Josie and Gina posing!
Austin climbing onto the big rock at Garden of the Gods.
Austin standing on one of the rocks at garden of the Gods, he didn't see the sign that said rock climbing prohibited.

Me at Garden of the Gods, standing in a cave like space.